Friday 16 January 2009

Continuous Solvent Distillation new

Continuous solvent distillation is done when a mixture containing a solvent for recovery and particulates (sometimes called impurities) is without interruption fed into the process and separated fractions are removed continuously as output streams as time passes during the operation.

The distillation produces at least one distillate fraction, which has boiled and been separately condensed to a liquid, and practically always a particulate, which is the least volatile residue that has not been separately captured as a condensed vapor.

In terms of a small to medium sized businesses that use solvent and wish to recover it for further use, a continuous system is best used when the company produces a large amount of waste product. In smaller shops, batch recovery may be more appropriate.

Continuous systems are designed to fulfill the needs of any company looking to install a solvent recovery unit that will operate in virtually a "hands free" environment. These solvent recovery systems are intended to be installed in a facility where the production of waste solvent to be recovered is in the 200 to 1,000 gallon range per 24 hour period.

When piped into an application system, these solvent recovery units can transfer a waste stream, process it, dump the contaminants and sent the clean distillate back to the application without any operator intervention.

These heavy-duty,
industrial solvent recyclers are currently in use in large facilities around the world recovering spent solvent streams for re-use, thus saving their owners significant cost in disposal and new solvent purchases.

Various features are available to handle specialty needs such as vacuum assist for higher boiling point solvents, Teflon coating on the solvent recycling tank to prevent residue from building up on the process chamber and Vaseline oil injection system to prevent contaminants from solidifying before dumping out of the solvent recycling chamber.

Customization of the solvent recyclers
is available on request to help the user in fitting these systems to the specific needs of any company. A competent solvent recovery consultant should be happy to entertain these requests during the investigation of each prospective customers needs in solvent recovery so that their state-of-the-art factory can determine the viability of the request.

Each unique request is considered during the engineering of the standard solvent recovery unit so that the system can be installed and put into production with little to no affect on the customers manufacturing facility.

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