Wednesday 4 March 2009

Commitment Generates New Business

Neither the intention nor the strength of your commitment brings about the desired results. It is your actual actions that lead to achieving your goals

Total Commitment

Successful people commit beyond their goals.

They are usually totally committed to everything that they undertake...and once they have committed to performing a task or function...the actual completion is a foregone conclusion.

They neither try to do something..not give it their best shot...they simply do what they say they are going to do....and when they say they are going to do it.

In the simplest of terms, for successful people commitment is an automatic, habitual behavior.

If you want to achieve your specific results...either personally or in your business...a firm commitment to taking the necessary actions to achieve these results is the best if not only approach.

Gain A Competitive Advantage

Although most people would agree on the importance of total commitment, many people consistently fail to do what they said they were going to do.

Every day we are told that one person or another will call...but they either fail to call...or call long after they said they would.

In fact, so many people don't honor their commitments, that those who do are remembered and appreciated.

Just as we appreciate people who consistently honor their commitments so do clients. customers and do what they say they are going to do, when they say they are going to do it.

What better way to gain a competitive advantage than by simply honoring your promises?

And by doing it consistently, you will help differentiate yourself from your competitors whose commitment vanishes at the first sign of a crisis or new opportunity.

Taking Action

By definition, the term commitment means being bound to a course of action to bring about desired results. In other words, commitment is more about the actual actions than the intended actions.

By all means commit to your family, friends, clients, colleagues or community.

It is however neither the intention nor the strength of your commitment that brings about the desired results.

It is the actions you take that helps you achieve your goals.

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